If you or someone you know suspects a sexual assault has taken place, please call our crisis hotline. 706-774-5200 | YOU ARE NOT ALONE! - If you or someone you know suspects a sexual assault has taken place, please call our crisis hotline. 706-774-5200 | YOU ARE NOT ALONE!


counseling session at SARC

Our team at Sexual Assault Response Center recognizes the profound and lasting impact an assault can have on both survivors and their loved ones.

We understand the importance of addressing the physical as well as the psychological effects of trauma. Sexual Assault Response Center works with both physicians and counselors to promote a holistic approach to healing.

sarc counseling

Empathy, Respect, and Complete Confidentiality

Survivors often experience anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after an assault. Our counselors work with you to reclaim your life. You will always be welcomed with empathy, respect, and complete confidentiality.

We know sexual assault can also leave a lasting impact on survivors’ loved ones. We offer counseling support for partners, family, and friends as a way to help foster communication as well as strengthen their relationships in the wake of an assault.

If you or a loved one is in need of support or crisis intervention, please call our 24/7 crisis hotline.

If you would like to volunteer or learn more about becoming a survivor’s advocate, please contact us today.